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Prof. ZANG Deshun
              Economic sociology, rural sociology, employment relations.            

          Zang Deshun has a Ph. D in sociology. His main focus Is on the sociological analysis of economic phenomena and economic problems, Paying specific attention to the relationship between the rural land prop-erty rights system and rural development the new-generation migrant workers employment and Integration into cities as well as the social construction of laborrelations.He has headed a National Social Science Fund (Youth)projectResearch on the Problem and Countermeasures of the Structural Shortage of Metropolitan Employment Opportunities; he has partic-ipated in a National Social Science Fund key project Research on the New Generation of Migrant Workers: A Perspective of the Service and Management of Float-ing Population, and has served as the lead researcher of the sub-project A Study of the Employment and Public Policies forthe New Generation of Migrant workers' His monograph Rural Land Property Rigbt System in Great Transformation of China: 4 field study of four silages in Yellow River Basin (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011 Edition)was granted the Second Prize of the 11th Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement Award in 2012,and a monograph prize of the sixth China Rural Development Research Award in 2014.          

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